Stoke St Gregory Primary School

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Otter Class

Welcome to Otter Class. We are the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children, taught by Miss Teal and  supported by Mrs Baldwin, Mrs Mullally and Miss Andrew. 
  •  Otter class need to wear their PE kit on Mondays  and Fridays. 
  • In Otter class, we love to read! The children are encouraged to read on a daily basis. For every time your child reads, don't forget to tick their Rainbow Reader! As well as school books it is really important for children to hear a variety of books at home. The children are encouraged to take a choice book home every Friday. They are then able to keep their book for a week and change it the following Friday.
  • The Reception children have access to a combination of structured lessons and activities as well as a range of continuous provision resources to support their learning.
  • The Reception children spend time learning indoors and outside so that the children can develop a range of skills and broaden their knowledge. 


 Otter Class Teacher

Miss Danie Teal 

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mullally

To find out what's happening in reception, download our overview:


Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Nicola Baldwin

Download our overview to find out what we're learning about this term:

Notes from our September 2022 EYFS Parent and Carer Information Evening

Download our timetable to find out what's happening in our class: