Raven Class Residential Trip 2021-22
Our residential trip to PGL Osmington Bay was a huge success. Many Raven pupils overcame fears about some of the challenges in the activities we planned for the time away. We could not have been more proud of each and every member of the group! Some of the photos and updates from the trip are on this page as a taster of what the residential was like. When there is more information about our up-coming residentials, we will put it on this page. (Sept 2022)
Thursday evening residential update. Sunshine, bitterly cold winds and snow! 5.40pm
After varying amounts of sleep last night (!), our crew has had a busy and exciting day. We began with a room inspection and Mr Flint was delighted to find shoes ordered and tidied in ways that please him. The scent test was interesting and we will be ensuring there are opportunities for showering this evening. Additional points were awarded to the quietest room last night but overall scores will not be disclosed until tomorrow morning.
Fears have then been faced in many ways throughout the day; on the giant swing and zip wire. Survival skills have been honed and some archery practise has taken place too.
It's nearly dinner time now and then tonight there is another challenge activity based around problem solving and team work.
The photos here today are a snapshot of some activities today and a few from yesterday that we've now managed to transfer from a different device having sourced some Wifi! We have taken many more and will ensure that photos and video footage are shared after our return.
I'll try to pop back later tonight with a picture from dinner time and maybe a few 'smile and wave at your families' poses. :)
Friday afternoon update. The final activities.
Low ropes and climbing were on the menu for the morning today. Some of us (including me) moved from paralysing fear to being able to get back down the wall and others went from the same fear to huge confidence on the wall (that was several of the children!).
This has been a brilliant residential trip and our children did us proud. Osmington Bay 2022 was officially a HUGE success. Thank you one and all.
Mr Flint and Mr Barnard, WHAT A TEAM! Thank you.
Friday morning residential update. Even colder? Yes! 9.15am
I can officially let you know that we have the mastered the sleeping thing! Everyone got more sleep last night and awoke this morning ready for the morning challenges. So far these have been to dress, pack, have breakfast, move all the bags into one room and then set off for the morning activities. First up is low ropes which is followed by a rather daunting climbing wall.
The photos here were taken last night both around our rooms and also in the evening team building activity.
We'll be leaving site at about 1pm and should be back by the end of the school day. We'll meet you all in the front playground. If there are any updates about our arrival time, I will ask Mrs Barber to let you all know. :)
Wednesday evening residential update. All is well in Osmington Bay. 9.30pm
Our time has been filled so far with super views of the sea, time for play and juggling lessons, much laughter, rifle shooting and the navigation of the sensory trail. The food is excellent with lots of choice for all. The younger members of our team (all those who are able to do a handstand without causing damage to their backs) are just settling down for the night. I'm thinking everything will be calm and quiet with 19 sleeping children in about 40 minutes from now. Yes. I'm sure that will be what happens. :)
I will attempt a daily update at least. Mr Flint, Mr Barnard and I are going to begin our evening 'settling down' encouragements now. I saw Mr Barnard holding a guitar. Maybe he's thinking of singing lullabies..............